OMG Jamie Spears is pregnant!?
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Geez,im sorry but why is everyone acting as if she's the only sixteen year old out there that's pregnant?!
I know tons of more people that have had sex before her age.
I mean,give her a break!
Its bad enough that she's pregnant.
plus she has enough problems with having britney as a sister.
It cant be all her fault,her mom should have taught her better.
She doesnt really have positive role models.
YES,i admit she screwed up and made a bad decision but she's not the only one out there.
Tons of other teens are doing the same stuff,
You guys just happen to know about it,because she's famous.
BTW; she's not getting kicked off Zoey 101 or whatever.
They finished filming the last season of Zoey 101 months ago.
Go look on and stuff.
Im not lying,
Of course its not okay!
I did say she screwed up,all im saying is that people shouldnt trash talk her just because she's 16 and pregnant.
Many other teens are.
Its bad enough she is pregnant!
They finished filming awhile ago.
i got proof!
add erin sanders(who plays Quinn on Z101)
then go here,
so jamie is gonna be be fired from the show because they already finished filming the show.
Being a celebrity is a double edged sword. They expect to have things given to them for free that normal people would not get such as gowns and jewelry for the Academy Awards, lavish parties for movie premieres paid for by someone else, cash payment to come and party at nightclubs, restaurant reservations, no lines at Disneyland, assistants to wait on them hand and foot, etc. And in return for these nice things, celebrities are expected to be photographed and interviewed on the Tonight Show, Entertainment Tonight, etc to help market the movie, TV Show, new album etc. That is how the business works.
As far as your comparision to other pregnant sixteen year olds, I think you are missing the point. No one has said that Jamie Lynn Spears or any other teenager should not have sex. It is a natural curiousity growing up and most people have sex before they get married. But look at the two situations.
1. Pregnant 16 year old in high school might miss her High School prom and hanging out with her friends. Her prospects of going to college are greatly diminished and her future earnings probably decline. She is also less likely to have a successful marriage.
2. Jamie Lynn Spears might miss her High School prom and hanging out with her friends. Her prospects of going to college are greatly diminished and her future earnings will definitely decline by at least $10,000 per week and over $100,000 annually from product endorsements. That is over $2 million dollars more than any other 16 year old (pregnant or not) will earn before they graduate from high school. She is also less likely to have a successful marriage. Not only is her image of a young, innocent beauty forever changed to a girl that is ready to have sex with pretty much any guy who drives her to work, talks nicely to her, and hangs out with her. In addition, Jamie Lynne was educated about contraception and had access to health care and doctors of every conceivable nature. She also has an outstanding example of what pregnancy, children, and an ill thought out marriage did to her sister's successful entertainment career.
Yes, you are right that Jamie Lynn is not the only 16 year old who is pregnant. However, they have so much more to lose than your average high school teenager and regaining what they once had after something like getting pregnant at 16 and not being able to do her job (Yes, Zoey 101 is a job) while living with your 19 year old boyfriend is very, very difficult. She had a future with more possibilities than the average teenage girl in your high school and she threw it all away because she couldn't take a pill, have her boyfriend wear a condom, or just plain old say I'm not ready for that yet like the thousands and thousands of teenagers who do every day.
Being a celebrity is a double edged sword. They expect to have things given to them for free that normal people would not get such as gowns and jewelry for the Academy Awards, lavish parties for movie premieres paid for by someone else, cash payment to come and party at nightclubs, restaurant reservations, no lines at Disneyland, assistants to wait on them hand and foot, etc. And in return for these nice things, celebrities are expected to be photographed and interviewed on the Tonight Show, Entertainment Tonight, etc to help market the movie, TV Show, new album etc. That is how the business works.
As far as your comparision to other pregnant sixteen year olds, I think you are missing the point. No one has said that Jamie Lynn Spears or any other teenager should not have sex. It is a natural curiousity growing up and most people have sex before they get married. But look at the two situations.
1. Pregnant 16 year old in high school might miss her High School prom and hanging out with her friends. Her prospects of going to college are greatly diminished and her future earnings probably decline. She is also less likely to have a successful marriage.
2. Jamie Lynn Spears might miss her High School prom and hanging out with her friends. Her prospects of going to college are greatly diminished and her future earnings will definitely decline by at least $10,000 per week and over $100,000 annually from product endorsements. That is over $2 million dollars more than any other 16 year old (pregnant or not) will earn before they graduate from high school. She is also less likely to have a successful marriage. Not only is her image of a young, innocent beauty forever changed to a girl that is ready to have sex with pretty much any guy who drives her to work, talks nicely to her, and hangs out with her. In addition, Jamie Lynne was educated about contraception and had access to health care and doctors of every conceivable nature. She also has an outstanding example of what pregnancy, children, and an ill thought out marriage did to her sister's successful entertainment career.
Yes, you are right that Jamie Lynn is not the only 16 year old who is pregnant. However, they have so much more to lose than your average high school teenager and regaining what they once had after something like getting pregnant at 16 and not being able to do her job (Yes, Zoey 101 is a job) while living with your 19 year old boyfriend is very, very difficult. She had a future with more possibilities than the average teenage girl in your high school and she threw it all away because she couldn't take a pill, have her boyfriend wear a condom, or just plain old say I'm not ready for that yet like the thousands and thousands of teenagers who do every day.
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