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How can I convince my mum to let me be vegan?


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I would generally be buying the majority of my own food (I'm 16 and have a part time job). I guess I would learn how to cook it to, but she thinks it's bad for your health and stuff. Is it really bad?

Also, what are some tips for when you first turn vegan? Thanks :)

the best way to convince your mother is to be well educated about the subject, learn as much as you can and bombard her information such as complete proteins from vegetables (if you don't know what are the types of essential amino acids that humans need you have a lot of work to do), read up on nutrition and what are the essential vitamins and minerals that you can get from plants, you should also need to inform your mother that your lifestyle is going to be much better than your previous lifestyle. its like going to a board room meeting with all the top executives and you need to convince the executives (this case your mum) that the product you're about to market (being a vegan) is better than the previous one (being an omnivore). you also need to keep in mind that she's your mother and all she cares about is your well being and bringing you up to her healthy daughter, ergo you need to give her a talk that will convice her that your vegan lifestyle is healthy and it has a lot of benefits. you have to tell her that youre going to be a vegan for 3 months (after that you'll have enough proof that this is not just a fad and youre accustomed to the lifestyle and will never come back to eating meat). Being a vegan also carries a deep moral and ethical attachment, you need to prove yourself by being well informed, well read and well fed. and if youre not a vegetarian yet, i highly advised to tackle a gradual progression, which means you need to be better at it every day like knowing what to eat, what not to eat, whats good, complex carbs, simple carbs, complete proteins, incomplete proteins, dha, epa. theres a lot of work to do in your part to be a vegan, its not just a diet, its a lifestyle, its a way of life.

TIPS: I started as a vegetarian (no meat no eggs no milk but i wasnt well informed enough to know everything i was 14, i didnt know what gelatin was after a month of gradual progression i knew almost everything there was to know about being a vegan) most important tip gradually take out foods out of your diet (diet means youre eating habits, what you put in your mouth) so that you wont relapse because youre going to crave your old favourite foods since your body havent adjusted to the vegan regime, once youre finally comfortable of being a vegetarian (3 months of no meat should be your gauge, unless you are pesto-veg) you will start to crave for vegetarian foods which is great. then its time to up the ante, go vegan after that but during your vegetarian phase you should read up on what NOT to eat (gelatin,glycerine,milk,eggs, made from a factory that manufactures milk/eggs,meat products) learn how to read nutrition labels, learn what products are vegan approved and was not tested on animals, remember wearing leather is just as foul as eating meat (ripping an animals skin is not better than cutting it nor eating it)

RECAP: 1. Take a gradual progression approach (3 months vegetarian/taking meat out of your diet)
2. Be well informed (start with goveg.org)
3. Be morally and ethically aware on whats going on (peta.org)
4. Being a vegan is not just the way you eat, its a lifestyle, its a way of life
5. Keep learning new things about veganism everyday, the beauty about life is you cannot out evolve your lifespan, there are enough levels to move up. Dont stop and say "i have arrived now", take that mentally off and be humble because you will learn new things about the lifestyle everyday or atleast execute it well enough
6. Personal resolve, youre incharge and youre having an impact wether its one of your priorities or not, youre saving the planet, you reduce greenhouse gasses, youre ethical and moral standards should be at par with your ideoligies as a vegan
7 HAVE FUN, if youre not having fun and youre not happy about it, that means youre not doing it right and its not for you

Is there a scientific explanation for mixed blood people?


I noticed that most of the mixed blood people are beautiful and possessed physical beauty, why? What is the advantage for crossbreed genetic, i meant the mixed blood people? do they have a strong immune system and possessed good quality of both parent?

Mixed parentage/blood/ethnicity, whatever you call it, does not guarantee superiority in looks, health, etc. Genetics is not as simple as that, however, different ethnicity and people from different geographical areas do contribute to minor genetic variations. This sometimes also have to do with history of pedigree, especially important and associated with big words such as genetic drift, founder effect, bottleneck etc. Certain people from a particular region is susceptible to genetic disorder including thalassemia (Mediterranean), Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (old order Amish), Tay-Sachs disease (Ashkenazi Jews) and Huntington's disease (western Europeans). So, not necessary by marrying somebody of different races/ethnic group guarantees better body blueprint. It boils down to genetic interplay.

Good and beneficial traits from 2 ethnicities may be inherited in the progeny but not necessary so. It depends on various genetic interaction such as epistatis, genomic imprinting and other complicated stuffs. For the looks, not all mixed parentage results in a more-than-normal pretty faces. Perhaps the parents are already remarkably good-looking. Sometimes it is just that the special features of the looks of mixed parentage (since it is a merge of 2 different sets of features from 2 ethnicity resulting in a unique blend) that captivates you. For example, a hybrid of 2 different orchids will give you a new variant which has both phenotypes/physical appearance derived from the parents. The blend in appearance is exotic and special. To some, they call this beautiful. Others may even say it is ugly. But actually, it is just unique in its own way. Unique can mean pretty or otherwise. All these could be genetics, or it could be plain psychological.

As for immunity, it is not necessary have something to do with ethnicity. Even people from the same ethnicity can produce a much more immune-fit offspring. What I mean is, yes, there might be a probability that a mixed ethnic person could inherit the better immunity from the parents but the thing is, do you know which race/ethnic group has better immunity than the others so that you can have a better offspring with the people from that ethnic group? I think not. Not one ethnic group is better off than the other, in general. Unless, the particular person came from a small province which is known to have a longer average lifespan (in China) or the people there are immune to certain disease because they were infected earlier and developed herd immunity (such as cases of pandemic flu). But as a whole, there is no such thing as mixed blood = superiority/better quality. It depends on the interaction between genetics and environment/diet/lifestyle. For the beauty, the face structure is determined by the genes from both father and mother. So the look is the hybrid of both gene sets, just like non-mixed blood. Nothing special. Genetics doesn't care about ethnicity. It just work out the way the genetic code tells it to.

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