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Question for you hairstylists out there?


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Bebe Babyb

I have a question for hairstylists. My hair is currently a level 4 or 5 brown and I would love for it to be a level 11 or so, nearly white. Is this possible? My hair is in good condition, I NEVER heat style it. I wash every other day with cleansing conditioner (Wen) and haven't colored it since November. This is VERY close to my natural color, so close it's been 6 months since I colored and you can't see any regrowth. Health of my hair is not an issue, even my stylist thinks my hair is in good condition. My question is: is it even physically possible to get level 4 hair to level 10 or 11? Sorry this question is so long. If it's possible, what should I ask for them to do at the hair salon? Should I show them pictures? Thanks soo much!!

BEFORE I answer I'd like you to read the following: HAIR COLOR & YOUR HEALTH: Personality & health risks.
There is a strong belief among some people that a personâs hair color can tell you some about their personality.  A new study out of Harvard suggests hair color can also tell you about a personâs health risks
Top doctors say you can tell a lot about a personâs health from their hair color:
-Blondes have a higher risk of melanoma, especially on their scalps, and should always wear a hat in direct sunlight.
-Brunettes are more likely to suffer from hair loss, and can help prevent it by getting enough iron (dark leafy vegetables are high in iron).
-And a Harvard study finds redheads may have a 90% greater chance of developing Parkinsonâs Disease because of a specific gene mutation. Housecall for Health, Iâm Colleen Cappon, FOX News Radio. 12-10-12

MY answer: ANYTHING is possible. Take a look @ Nicole Richie's hair at the MET Red Carpet. She's got platinum hair now, like when Kelly Osbourne turned platinum (which is now lavender), due to early graying on her hair.

Overlapping dye onto previously colored hair is what creates dullness and dryness. If you color your hair @ home or salon, let your roots grow out as long as you can stand, so the line of demarcation is easier to spot. Only run color through the lengths for five minutes to refresh the ends. To extend the time between touch-ups, use a gloss and deep -conditioning treatments. They will help smooth cuticles roughed up by daily wear & tear, and the hair will look shinier. ~ Harry Josh, hairstylist of the celebrities.

Celebrity wears two-tone hair dye all the time, trying to grow out their dye. They call that the ombre style.

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 22 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <â¨
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Halloweâen party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. Itâs made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. Itâs well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone.â¨

what is the future of the retailing industry?


I'm referring to discount stores specifically walmart, target and kmart.

Discount department stores are also known as discount variety stores, general merchandise discount stores, mass merchandisers, full-line discounters, or discount houses. This industry is dominated by the Wal-Mart, Target, and the newly created Kmart/Sears (the two companies merged in 2005) chains.

The Big Three discount retailers began operations as individual variety stores, and by the late-1990s had evolved into chains averaging 80,000 square feet of discount-selling space per store, providing clothing; hardware, housewares, auto supplies, and small appliances; stationery and candy; sporting goods and toys; health and beauty aids; pharmaceuticals; gifts and electronics; and shoes and jewelry. By 2003, the stores showing the most success were the so-called supercenters, which grew nearly 18 percent over the previous year, and grew by about the same amount the following year. Although overshadowed by the Big Three, groups of regional stores, Dollar General, Family Dollar Stores, and the Dollar Tree Stores, are also listed under the variety stores category. Warehouse stores such as Costco and Sam's Club, are also part of this designation. There were an expected 8,000 more dollar stores to appear by 2008. The common element among all stores in the industry is the focus on low prices.

The emergence of discounters, which relied heavily on technological advances to improve productivity and cut costs, had a tremendous impact on the financial well-being of full-price retailers. Although luxury retailers were on the rebound, this upward trend for discounters was also continued in the years between 2002 and 2005, as consumers were increasingly concerned with value shopping and saving money. Other factors affecting the future of discount retailing include a consumer base of greater ethnic diversity, a heightened concern for the environment, interactive technology, and international retailing.

Organization and Structure

Variety stores can be categorized by price and level of service, and generally fall into one of the following categories: discount department stores, wholesale clubs, supercenters, hypermarts, and so-called category killers.

Wholesale clubs are no-frills stores that sell in bulk to people who pay dues to maintain membership. Originally targeted toward small businesses, which appreciated the opportunity to purchase supplies in large quantities, membership requirements have been made broader to include many segments of the general populace. Supercenters, or superstores, are large retail outlets offering general merchandise in addition to a complete grocery area. The supercenter concept evolved from the hypermart, which offers discounted merchandise and groceries, as well as ancillary businesses, such as branch banking and photo processing. Finally, category killers are specialty chain stores offering a single line of merchandise, such as T. J. Maxx, Dress Barn, and Burlington Coat Factory. Although industry information related to discount retailers often includes statistics on category killers, many of these stores are formally listed under the SIC related to the merchandise in which they specialize.

Background and Development

Although discounted sales have existed since the early 1900s, the discount variety store industry picked up shortly after World War II. During this time, according to Discount Store News, entrepreneurs were prompted to open large variety stores due to the increasing demand for consumer goods, including such new products as record players and television sets. In the northeastern part of the country, in particular, large facilities became available to potential variety store owners when manufacturers moving operations to the South vacated several mills. Taking over such facilities for retail operations, variety store owners found that their proximity to those mills that had remained in operation facilitated the timely restocking of stores with apparel and domestic items.

By 1962, industry leaders and a standard store format were well established. Discount department stores were formed by the Dayton Company, which pioneered the Target chain, as well as Kmart stores, an offshoot of S. S. Kresge, the F. W. Woolworth Company's Woolco stores, and Sam Walton's Wal-Mart. These new stores transformed the variety store business into large, low-price, self-service stores, featuring both hard goods and apparel.

Several mergers occurred in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as chains sought to expand quickly through acquisitions. During this time, Kmart became the decided leader with more than 300 stores, which was more than double the number of the next largest chain. Although over a dozen discount stores filed for Chapter 11, attributable to economic recession, Kmart and Woolco grew into national companies, whereas Wal-Mart and Target expanded in the Southeast and Midwest, respectively.

During the 1970s, discount stores began exploring advances in technology, using computers, electronic registers, UPC bar coding systems, point-of-sale (POS) scanning, and satellite communication systems. Wal-Mart's explosive growth, in particular, was attributed to its successful implementation of computer technology. The company established highly automated distribution centers, which cut shipping costs and delivery time, and installed an advanced computer system to track inventory and speed up checkout and reordering. As a result, Wal-Mart increased the number of its retail establishments from 18 in 1970 to 270 in 1980.

By the end of the 1980s, Kmart, Target, and Wal-Mart dominated the industry. At the same time, other chains had filed Chapter 11, including Woolco, FedMart, Memco, Twin Fair, Zayre, Zodys, Kings, Ames, and Hills. Regional operators experiencing moderate success included Jamesway, Caldor, and Bradlees in the East; Rose's in the South; Clover in Philadelphia; Fred Meyer in the Pacific Northwest; Fedco in Southern California; and Venture, Meijer, and Value City in the Midwest.

The introduction of a full line of grocery items to the discount store format represented an important aspect of the successful supercenter in the early 1990s. Although the majority of store profits were attributable to merchandise sales, food divisions began to draw customers into the store and accounted for 40 percent of a supercenter's sales in the early 1990s. This trend was expected to have a negative impact on the traditional supermarket owner. Nevertheless, some analysts have viewed the discounters' venture into the food business with skepticism. Critics noted that since grocers earned an average of less than one penny per dollar of sales in the early 1990s, superstores faced the challenge of imposing even stricter cost controls to compete.

In their ongoing battle for market share, discounters also began focus on appealing to specific ethnic groups, striving to become familiar with the needs of the diversifying market in the 1990s. For example, some stores employed bilingual clerks, particularly in Hispanic communities, and featured signs and advertisements in languages other than English. Moreover, an awareness of traditions and holidays specific to certain ethnic groups helped store managers to stock seasonal merchandise.

In another effort to draw and retain loyal customers involved the promotion of environmental awareness. In addition to touting recyclable and environmentally friendly products, many discount stores attempted to cut back on lighting, heating, cooling, and other energy-draining expenses. They also began using recycled paper for printed advertisements and sign boards.

In June 1993, Wal-Mart opened an "environmental demonstration store" in Lawrence, Kansas. The store featured a community recycling center as well as an environmental education center. During this time, Kmart introduced programs to recycle cassette tapes, auto and truck tires, and auto and marine batteries. Target sponsored Kids for Saving the Earth, a grass roots environmental organization.

Some consolidation in the industry, particularly affecting the warehouse clubs, occurred in 1993 due to increased competition, market saturation, and a slow economy. In November 1993, Wal-Mart agreed to acquire 91 of Kmart's 113 Pace Membership Warehouse clubs for $300 million. The sale gave Wal-Mart access to five additional states and expanded its presence in California. Some of the Pace Warehouses would operate as Sam's Clubs, and others were designated for remodeling as supercenters.

Wal-Mart's supercenter business achieved annual sales of $5 billion by 1994, a substantial increase over the reported $1 billion in 1992. By 1997 there were 344 Wal-Mart Supercenters in operation, mostly in Texas and Missouri, and by 1998 that number climbed to 441.

Led by the strength of such retailers as Wal-Mart, the discount industry surpassed $200 billion in sales in the early 1990s. The Dollar General chain of discount stores was second to Wal-Mart in percentage sales growth, having found a niche market in towns considered too small to support Wal-Mart stores. Kmart maintained its position as the second largest discount chain in the nation in volume, with $31 billion in 1996 sales, while Target neared $18 billion in sales in 1996. Regional discount chains that achieved strong sales growth included Connecticut-based Caldor (with $26 billion in 1996 sales) and St. Louis-based Venture Stores (with $1.5 billion in 1996 sales). The increased popularity of discount operations also led to their inclusion as anchor stores in suburban malls, a location once considered inappropriate by developers and more up-scale merchants.

Since strong national chains originated in the 1960s, they have taken an increasing share of the market away from traditional full-price retailers, a trend that continued into the late 1990s. Discounters have seen sales rise from $2 billion in 1960 to $175 billion in 1998. The battle for market share is ongoing as traditional department stores try to fend off increased competition from these discount retailers. The August 1999 Chain Store Age State of the Industry Supplement stated, "Discount stores continue to be in the catbird seat in the retail industry. As long as they continue to provide customers with value and quality merchandise, they will be hard to beat."

In keeping with that statement, discounters maintain top position in the market in girls', boys', and men's apparel. Traditional department stores and specialty stores still have control over the women's apparel segment, but discounters are gaining market share quickly. The success of discount stores is attributed to meeting consumer demands, constant review of product mix, and offering higher quality, private label products. For example, Kmart began offering a "business casual" line, and Target has focused on a trendier line with its Xhileration label. Sears, Roebuck and Company's CEO Arthur Martinez stated in Chain Store Age , "Target and Wal-Mart have done a better job of improving and are more credible on price than Sears and mass-market retailers."

Discount stores have also seen success by diversifying product mix. In 1998, more than 36 percent of vitamins and mineral supplements were sold at discount stores. These stores also account for the largest share of bath product sales with 36 percent. In 1998, Wal-Mart took the lead over Toys "R" Us in toy sales, and Kmart and Target also saw gains in this area.

This industry has also increased focus on brand names, proprietary brands, and partnering. Kmart teamed up with Garth Brooks in 1999 to promote his new CD online. The company has also paired with Martha Stewart to offer her line of home products, sales of which exceeded $1 billion in 1998. Kmart's Jaclyn Smith and Kathy Ireland apparel lines also were successful in the 1990s, as well as its Sesame Street line. Wal-Mart has also shared success in partnering; its Kathie Lee apparel line had more than $250 million in sales in 1998.

Along with its success, however, the industry saw bankruptcies, consolidation, and mergers in 1998 and 1999. Many regional chains suffered under the increasing competition from larger chains. Jamesway and Clover went through liquidations, Caldor and Venture no longer operate, ShopKo purchased Pamida, Ames bought Hills, and Bradlees filed Chapter 11.

Meanwhile, stronger, successful chains continued to grow. Both Target and Wal-Mart increased square footage significantly from 1998 to 1999. Wal-Mart, Dayton Hudson, and Kmart also increased expenditures in efforts to expand. At the same time, retailers invested in older store overhauls and closed stores that were not profitable.

The early 2000s were a tough time for retail due to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and a shaky economy. The picture for discounters was mixed at best. More people went to discounters to save money but overall sales were generally flat. The big three continued their dominance in this sector in the new millennium, and small businesses within the industry were becoming scarcer. Small companies such as Ann & Hope closed completely, regional ShopKo was forced to close stores, and Ames was forced into bankruptcy.

Leader Wal-Mart not only bucked the flat sales trend but also became the largest company in the world during 2002. Not surprisingly, the company continued plans for expansion in 2003, with an estimated 45 to 50 new discount stores and 200 to 210 new supercenters, 140 of which would be expansions or relocations. Sam's Club planned 40 to 45 new stores. New retail space for the company would total 48 million square feet, up 8 percent over 2002. Wal-Mart operated 1,066 stores at the end of 2001. Supercenters, which generated the largest portion of sales, remained the company's number-one growth vehicle. Wal-Mart also added more food to its mix, unveiling the new Neighborhood Markets in the United States and in China. By 2002, the megacompany was making headway toward the goal of becoming the largest grocer in the United States. Entering a newly hot market, Wal-Mart also began offering more than 12,000 DVD titles for rent through its walmart.com Web site. Most Wal-Mart stores currently have less than 1,000 titles available to rent. Wal-Mart managed a gain of more than 5 percent in sales in 2001.

Target is also expected to grow in the future. A report from Retail Forward, a management consulting and market research firm, forecast that Target could grow to more than 1,500 stores and sell $65 billion per year. Target was not as aggressive at converting into superstores in the early 2000s. Instead, the retailer focused on honing its merchandise assortments, including the trendier line of clothing and merchandise that has differentiated Target from its less chic competitors. Target gained more than 6 percent in sales during 2001.

Kmart had its share of problems early in the decade. After a foray into specialty retailing that cost the company sales, Kmart filed for bankruptcy in 2002. In all, some 600 stores were closed in a massive restructuring effort in 2002 and 2003 that also saw a complete turnover in its executive leadership. The company also suffered during an investigation of stock transactions by Martha Stewart. Stewart was accused of receiving insider information leading her to sell shares of ImClone. The store continued to support Stewart, whose products accounted for approximately $1.5 billion of Kmart's $36 billion in sales. However, Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Index noted a decline in consumer perception for both brands in different areas. Still, Kmart continued to convert its traditional stores to superstores, also adding food. The new concept of in-the-box supercenters combined the traditional discount store and grocery store into one supercenter. Kmart posted a sales loss of 2.43 percent in 2001.

Dollar stores continued their popularity and expansion. By 2002, leader Dollar General had 5,500 stores, followed by Family Dollar with 4,455 stores, and Dollar Tree at 2,060. Others in the category included Freds, headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee and 99 Cent Only Stores, with headquarters in City of Commerce, California.

Current Conditions

By 2004, although not approaching Wal-Mart's total numbers, Target was outperforming all the competition, in part by bridging the gap between discount and perceived quality, particularly in its focus on fashion clothing and home decor. In 2004, it sold the struggling Marshall Field's stores to May Department Stores, and focused on the Target branding, to great success.

In the 2004 holiday shopping season, one of the biggest draws was the gift card, which was expected to account for about 15 percent of sales for the following season. Supercenters, particularly those of Wal-Mart and Target, were growing at the fastest rate in this sector. Many of the older stores were being converted to supercenters.

Wal-Mart was set for expansion again in 2005, with an expected 1,963 supercenters and 1,240 discount stores by the end of the year, up from 1,713 supercenters and 1,365 discount stores in 2004. While the total number of discount stores went down, many were converted to supercenters, and dozens of new stores were planned.

Industry Leaders


Arkansas-based Wal-Mart has long been the world's largest retailer, but in 2002 it surpassed General Motors and Exxon Mobil Corp. to become the world's largest company, as well. The company operates more than 4,800 stores, including Wal-Mart discount stores and supercenters and Sam's Clubs. In 2005, Wal-Mart reported $285.2 billion in sales and employed 1.5 million workers.

Wal-Mart's founder, Sam Walton, entered the industry with a few Ben Franklin stores operating under the "Walton 5 & 10" name. When management at the Ben Franklin Company rejected the idea of opening larger discount stores, Sam Walton and his brother James "Bud" Walton opened their first Wal-Mart Discount City in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962.

The explosive growth of the chain was facilitated by its effective use of computer technology. In the early 1990s the company invested almost $600 million in computerization and information systems, enabling it to reduce its costs to 15 percent of its annual revenues, well below the 25-percent industry average. An innovator of the wholesale club and hypermart concepts, Wal-Mart eventually came to favor the supercenter format, and in the early 1990s many Wal-Mart stores were redesigned as supercenters. In 1998, more than 40 percent of Wal-Mart's selling space went to its supercenters. During the mid-1990s the company's return on capital declined significantly due to large-scale investments in international stores, which totaled 310, with expansions mainly in Canada and Latin America. The company benefits from large economies of scale, and in 1998 foreign sales were up 63 percent to $12.2 billion.


Target Corporation, second largest discounter, formerly Dayton Hudson, operated more than 1,300 stores. Target stores, including SuperTarget and Target Greatland, accounted for more than 85 percent of Target Corporation's sales. The company posted 2004 sales of $48.2 billion, up 10 percent from 2003, and had 328,000 employees.

By 1995, Target operated 30 Greatland stores in and around the Chicago area. The company also launched its Club Wedd bridal gift registry and the Lullaby Club baby registry. At the same time, Target also began the development of a prototype store for smaller markets, carrying merchandise similar to that in larger Target stores. Dayton Hudson, as reported in Valueline, earmarked 80 percent of its $1.4 billion capital budget for 1997 to add an additional 65 stores, 5 of which would include groceries. This added eight million additional square feet to Target stores, an increase of 10 percent in 1997.


Michigan-based Kmart, which merged with Sears in 2005, became the country's third-largest retailer, behind Wal-Mart and Home Depot, and the third-largest discounter, behind Wal-Mart and Target. Before the merger, Kmart reported sales of 19.7 billion.

Kmart's origins may be traced to 1897, when Sebastian S. Kresge and John McCrory opened their first five-and-dime stores in Memphis and Detroit. They split their partnership in 1899, and Kresge remained in the retail business. Kresge incorporated his company in 1912 as the S. S. Kresge Company, the second largest dime store chain in the United States. By the 1950s, Kresge's company had grown to become one of the largest general merchandise retailer in the nation. In 1958, company management decided to enter into discount retailing, transforming three unprofitable stores into discount operations. The first Kmart discount store was opened in Garden City, Michigan, in 1962. Americans soon grew accustomed to Kmart's "blue-light" specials--spontaneous sales in various departments signaled by a flashing blue light.

Growth continued in the 1970s, and the Kresge Company changed its corporate name to Kmart in 1977. During this time, the company began a series of acquisitions that included Furr's Cafeteria and Bishops Buffets, both of which were sold in 1986. Other acquisitions included Payless Drug Stores, Waldenbooks, and Builders Square. In 1988, Kmart opened its first Pace warehouse clubs as well as its first hypermart, American Fare. By 1990, Kmart had surpassed Sears, Roebuck & Co. in retail revenue, but sales at both stores were quickly eclipsed by Wal-Mart. A major rejuvenation program, begun in the early 1990s, included the renovation or relocation of more than 2,400 Kmart stores. However, outdated inventory and old storefronts hurt sales, and the company found itself heavily discounting merchandise to retain sales. As reported in Valueline, "the crucial core challenge remained the same: get customers to come back more often." The typical Kmart customer came in only 15 times a year, compared to 32 for Wal-Mart. Customers, in addition, often drove greater distances to avoid Kmart and go to Wal-Mart.

With about 1,500 stores after closures--down from a high of 4,792 in 1992--and with sales steadily declining, the company filed for bankruptcy in 2002, emerging as a leaner operation after hundreds of store closures the following year. In 2005, Kmart and Sears announced a planned merger. The company posted revenues of just over $30 billion, a 14.9 percent loss for the year, resulting in a net loss of $3.2 billion.


The retail industry was a significant source of employment in the United States, accounting for roughly 18 percent of the labor force. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the retail industry was expected to realize significant growth between 1998 and 2005, with more than three million new jobs created in those years.

As larger companies relied more heavily on computer technology, lowering labor costs and increasing productivity, employees of Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, and other discount establishments found that job descriptions changed accordingly. With these advances, more jobs became available. According to Discount Store News editor Tony Lisanti, Wal-Mart is the largest employer in the United States and soon will become the largest employer in the world.

America and the World

In 1999, Wal-Mart had operations in Puerto Rico, Canada, China, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, the United Kingdom, Argentina, and South Korea. David Toung, analyst with Argus Research, stated, "These are very important areas for them because there is more growth opportunity for them than there is in the U.S." The company remains focused, along with other strong discounters, on operations abroad. By the 2002, Wal-Mart saw its greatest growth opportunities in the Asian markets of China, Japan, and Korea. The company had 20 stores in China at that time, and planned to open 120 to 130 stores worldwide by 2003. By the late 1990s, several discount retailers had opened stores in foreign markets, most notably in Europe and Mexico. Furthermore, companies began creating alliances with foreign operations in the form of licensing and franchising agreements, investments, and joint ventures.

Kmart began entering into joint ventures with foreign partners as early as 1968 with Coles Myer Ltd., the largest retailer in Australia. A long-time operator of stores in Canada, Kmart was also the first U.S. discount retailer to enter Eastern Europe with a 76-percent purchase of Maj, a large Czechoslovakian department store in 1992. The company had operations in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands by 1996. Overall, Kmart has spent more than $100 million on the selection and renovation of department stores in the downtown areas of several foreign cities.

Success in international retailing remains linked to a company's sensitivity to cultural differences. In a Chain Store Age article, Ames Department Store CFO Rolando de Aguiar stated, "Too many retailers do not pay attention to differences of doing business in different countries." This mistake leads to technological problems as well, as different countries use different types of communication and computer systems.

Research and Technology

The Internet became a significant contributor to the retail environment with the increasing number of retailers who created Web sites for general marketing information and to allow customers to purchase goods online. In 1996, Wal-Mart created two Web sites for both higher and lower priced items, Kmart began offering online shopping in May 1998, and Target offers online purchasing as well. With Internet sales increasing by the billions by 2003, discount retailers have been forced to create an online presence to tap into increased market share. As a result of increasing technology, information technology and information services retail professionals have been called upon and now play substantial roles in the discount stores infrastructure.

Due to the price sensitive nature of the industry, discount stores have to maintain efficient operations to achieve maximum profitability. The implementation of computer technology was, and is, essential to store operations. Development of technology such as computer-assisted bar code scanning, online receiving, merchandise tracking, and labor management is crucial to store profitability. With the onset of computerized operations, discount stores were able to reduce inventory, speed up inventory turnover, and shorten the lead time required to move merchandise into the store.

Interactive touch screens for point-of-sale (POS) operations went into development in 1998. Graphical user interface (GUI) payment terminals are expected to become increasingly popular, despite initial negative feedback. Jim Dion, a senior partner with the J. C. Williams Group, stated in a Stores article, "For some time now, retailers have made interactive kiosks, touch-screen information terminals, and similar capabilities available to customers at or near the point-of-sale. In most cases, the technology was ignored by customers over age 50 and used infrequently by 25- to 50-year-olds. Most stores and malls have backed off this technology for the time being."

Nevertheless, vendors are pushing the new POS systems. Checkmate developed a new product, the eN-Touch 1000, which is predicted to replace existing countertop credit and debit terminals. Mary Lynne Campbell, Director of Business Development for Checkmate, stated in Stores, "retail marketers can achieve 'virtual customer intimacy' through nonpayment applications such as advertising, personal messaging, instant credit, loyalty programs, cross selling, electronic coupons, surveys, managerial signoff, information kiosks, and product locators." Large, national retailers are expected to implement these new devices.

Use of handheld computers in the industry also increased in the late 1990s, greatly facilitating in-store communications, particularly for price verification and inventory tracking. Wal-Mart, Target, and Kmart used wireless in-store systems. The handhelds proved beneficial in maintaining stock levels and facilitating price markdowns.

Moreover, the development of spread-spectrum radio promised greater bandwidth in wireless communications, allowing stores to use wireless systems for a wide variety of tasks. Future applications for spread-spectrum radio included use as a local-area network infrastructure, which would connect handheld computers; new generations of wireless (and possibly mobile) POS systems; and electronic shelf labels to provide graphs of sales trends among other information. Manufacturers of spread-spectrum radio systems continue development on graphical interfaces.

In 2003, Wal-Mart announced that its top suppliers would need to comply with RFID tagging of merchandise by the start of 2005. The initiative cost the suppliers around $2 million, according to AMR Research, far less than the originally projected $17 million average. The so-called RFID mandate was not 100 percent by the stated deadline, but it did push many of the distributors toward the new electronic tagging and inventory devices.

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