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Can I reduce the chance of hair loss like how women reduce the chance of wrinkles?


beauty and health association on HEALTH CENTER & SPA � CATCH THE WAVE OF HEALTH �
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I read about a year ago women can reduce their chances of facial wrinkles by applying cream early before the wrinkles starts to develop.
Can this apply to men too in terms of hair loss?
Would any damage be done if I used products from Hair Club for Men right now to reduce the chances of hair loss later on?
Does the Hair Club for Men work and is it obvious that a person is using their products?

You can! Find out what, when, why and HOW and your hair will improve by eliminating the 'cause'.

Reasons why that might have happened, below is a short form of why.

1. During the last 3 years, OK 2, how have you been styling or have you been straightening & dyeing or highlighting your hair?
Google FDA website Hair dye & relaxers. Those are 75% the reason why.

2. Have you been taking supplements or using hair oil? Supplements ($42 billions are wasted and could hurt your lungs, liver, organs even HAIR LOSS). FDA has found that from face creams to soaps and other items of personal care, cosmetics companies are taking the general public for a ride. Oil could be coming from eels or shark. Another 5% why. CNN, Slate, Consumer Reports, MSN, YAHOO have posted them online for years how people spend $20 billion per year on vitamins and supplements.  According to Everyday Health, here's an article that will tell you why . . . those PRODUCTS by any other name do NOT WORK.  It is false advertisements. Google: Are Supplements Good For You? About 7,430,000 results (0.15 seconds) Google: Are vitamins & supplements good for you? About 4,250,000 results (0.14 seconds) Some can actually shorten your life! The Food & Drug do not approve of them!

3. Have you been stressed out or changed your diet? Genetics of balding runs in your family? Another 10% why.

4. Have you been taking medications with testosterone, certain antidepressants, menopause, anti-acne? Even birth control pills can cause hair loss. The medication most often prescribed for thyroid disorders can actually cause hair loss. Another 10% why you have hair falls.
Eliminate the cause and your hair will improve.

5. Google "Boise teen goes on Today Show to talk about losing her hair." She's got Alopecia 100% why you have hair loss.

Dove hairfall facts:
1. Humidity makes hair dry and brittle, leading to hairfall
2. Colouring the hair damages the hair strands leading to breakage
3. Pollution is also an unseen killer of healthy hair
4. Tangled hair is the most common reason for hair fall
5. While shampooing cleanses your hair, regular conditioning is required for adequate moisturization. Regular use of conditioner post shampoo also solves the problem of entangling which is the major cause of hairfall.

Eliminate cause and your hair will improve. Not overnight, it could take weeks, months, even years, since it took that long to start the hair loss.

If you think they're from your beauty or hair products:
Take it back to where you bought it.
Stop using it ASAP.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs & cosmetics to the FDA. Visit the FDA MedWatch website or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Google: Glossary of Hair Loss Terms. There are 179 entries in this glossary. Stress is just one of the 179 listed.
Again, a simple rule of thumb: Look for the American Hair Loss Association seal when considering purchasing any product or service to treat your hair loss.

> > > ONE treatment called DNCB -- applying an ointment that burns the scalp in hopes of stimulating hair growth. It was a treatment so painful that her head was at times left feeling raw.

Why are people so disappointed when you tell them they have a domestic shorthair cat?


It seems like people are let down, and don't think that a DSH is "special enough," or something. Some people even get mad and refuse to accept it. Why do you think this is?

Hi Lisa,

I am with you on this one as I scratch my head in amazement, along with you.

Domestic Shorthairs are actually one of the hardiest and most intelligent of all domestic felines, and in fact have been used in breeding programs to enhance the health,beauty and color patterns of many breeds when they were started.

So as far as I am concerned it is ignorance about the DSH, and an eliteist attitude which is responsible for their "disappointment. Many years ago the CFA stud book was open, and people who owned "common" shorthaired house cats could register them as American Shorthairs, to enrich the gene pool.

Wikipedia has a short and interesting description of the DSH.

An interesting factoid to share with disbelivers is the Ragdoll breed which Ann Baker of California created , originated with free roaming street cats, so those beauties carry genetic material of "plain" domestics.

There are so many gorgeous shorthair and long hair domestic cats so the folks who react negatively and denigrate them are, in my opinion, "snobs".

Hope this helps, and great question!!! I had to give you a star for it.

Owned by cats for over 40 years
Member Cat Writer's Association

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