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How Can A 50+ Year Old Woman Feel Beautiful?


skin care 50 year old women on We are thinking of a vanity kind of like this....I think M prefers the ...
skin care 50 year old women image

Kicking it

Im 16 now but i litterally plan EVERY thing for my future.

I was just wondering, that when the time comes, how can i still feel beautiful? Can woman 50+ years old still feel beautiful?

I feel really naive for asking this; I hope at least some of you understand what im asking.

Thank you for your time loves.

Ok, well I think you are too young to be thinking about this, but I can understand because I too am a planner.

I think you need to always be the best you can be. Make sure you take care of your body with good food and excercise. So you are always feeling on top of your game. If you start excercising now, it will become a habit you wont break. (And I am not talking starving yourself and becoming a gym junky, Im talking about moderation here for a healthy life) When you feel fit you have more energy and you feel better about everything! And its good for you!

Take care of your skin and always drink lots of water.

Spend time with friends who you support and who support you!

When you are looking to buy clothes, make sure they suit you and you feel good in them - no matter how old you are....

Well, thats my insurance and probably the best you can do from here on.....


What is the best skin care regime for women in their 50's?


What are the best products for skincare over 50 years old for women

i use sorbeline cream because i'm allergic to most creams with fragrance in them. its not to heavy a cream and doesn't make my skin feel tight. i put cream on morning and night, wear it alone or under makeup. a good soap for cleansing but not perfumed....like neutrogena. i don't think wrinkle creams work.

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