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What is a good way to classify jobs into categories?


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I have to do a project where I chart all the jobs in a city directory and want to classify like all the jobs into like maybe like 7 categories.

Technical, administrative/clerical, professional, skilled trade, mechanical, beauty, financial, legal, labor, sales, health care, government.

I know this is more than you want, but as you look at the jobs, you can choose which category they fit in and go with only those. Another way to find these categories is to look in the classified section of your newspaper and you will see the job categories they use.

Where are some places to find real work at home jobs?


Are there any companys that offer work at home jobs that are actually legitimate?

Of course there are. but you have to be qualified to do those jobs. My daughter is a RN. She worked in the ER and also in recovery at a hospital until she had a baby and didn't want to put the baby in day care so she went to work for a health insurance company. The job requires the employee to be a RN with a BSN and offers the opportunity to go into the office or stay at home to work. They furnish the computer, desk, phone line, FAX, printer, file cabinet. She doesn't even have set hours as long as she gets her work done. Accountants, proofreaders, tutors and music teachers often work from home and you can have a day care,or beauty shop in your home as well as doing seamstress work. Think about what you're qualified to do and you may be able to work from home too.

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