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Has anyone tried using oxygen botanicals skin care products?


skin care obagi on Makeup/Skin Product By Obagi - Elastiderm - Night Care... review at ...
skin care obagi image


Is it effective? How can you compare it to the Obagi Skin care products?

Your skin absorbs everything you put on it. It goes straight to your blood stream.

Pro Active has harsh minerals for ingredient. I found they made me tired and eventually ate away at my skin. I found that proactive bleached my towels and clothes... I was super mad!!! I didn't even bother sending it back...

I stated using Mary Kay, then I ended up selling it... Facial skin needs a balance of being clean, refreshed, refined and moisturized...

Lack of moisture in your skin creates acne... I know it sounds odd... most people think "my face is oily, I need to wash it before I breakout"

Microdermabrasion is a good way to get ride of dead skin cells (which cause breakouts also) ...

Clinique has good facial cleaning products. Lancome sells AWESOME moisturizers... MAC's cleaning products are horrible for your skin ... they are more of "get the makeup off my face" type of stuff... so...

My acne was not horrible. I only had a few blemishes, but I still wanted a pure complexion.

I use Airbon now. It is an all natural formula. I love it! I have the perfect, un blemished skin now!

Skin Care Products - Obagi, Anti-Aging, Where can I buy this stuff?

Mike M

My sister asked me to get her something to do with "Obagi Skin Care" for her birthday. She also was interested in Anti-Aging creams or skin treatment, or whatever its called. Where can I find this stuff? She was really insistent on the Obagi Skin Care, but I don't know where to buy it.

I have been a fan of Obagi Skin Care since it came out to the general public. It has worked great, and yes, it is hard to find. I found a few sites that offer it, but all were very expensive or not worth it. I finally found a site that offered really good quality Obagi and anti-aging products, so it is the only site I use anymore :) The site is:

There main page says:
Thousands of skin care products and skin care - now specializing in obagi skin care! Skin Products Online also offers wrinkle creams, anti aging skin care, body scrubs, lotions, body firming lotions, and organic skin care.

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