benefits of roasted Almonds against raw Almonds?
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bamboo beauty and health
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Christie M
So im eating a bag of almonds my mom got me and i usually get raw but my mom messed up and got the deluxe dry roasted
i want to know if i loose any benefits from eating roasted almonds
i mean i have been researching the health/beauty benefits of almonds and usually it says to get raw almonds
what are the pro's and cons??
these are yummy and all but id still prerfer raw of roasted :/
Raw nuts are living and full of the energy of life and should be capable of building a tree. Roasted nuts are dead & they may still provide some nutrients, but none can compare to the nutrients and enzymes from a live food.
Unfortunately, raw does not necessarily mean living.
For example - Commercially sold almonds are now required to be pasteurized turning a live food into a dead one. You can not sprout an almond that has been irradiated. I buy my almonds direct from growers off ebay.
Anytime you heat a food, you diminish the nutritional value & definitely kill it.
I add ground flax seed or chia seed to about everything. They are both incredibly nutritious. Chia seeds swell up when soaked and remind me of tapioca with a strawberry seed inside. They really have no taste but I love the texture. No other whole grain compares on a nutritional level, and it has an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) that is greater than blueberries on a per-gram basis (80 micromole TE/d). I let them sit on the counter to soak for 12 hours this germinates them and raises the ORAC level 2.5x higher.
I think they are much more nutritious raw and add them to salads & tuna as well as making faux tapioca regularly. I also add them to cooked food for bulk but prefer to use flax seed for cooked food. Flax seed has a slight taste to it but chia seed is tasteless so it doesn't change the flavor of foods the way flax seed would. In Mexico, they add chia seed to lemonade and call it chia fresca and it is addicting. I was getting 400% of my daily requirement of fiber by drinking this and have to regulate my intake, but it is fun.
I make a "porridge" as suggested by Dr.Mercola with low carb whey powder & water, I add ground flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, coconut milk, tahini (ground sesame seeds) & raw egg. All seeds & nuts are raw & soaked to germinate them.
Chia seeds sound so expensive but 1# will make 10# food. I buy in bulk from for $5# with free shipping. They have a special right now, 3# for $20 of 12# for $60 ($5#) which includes ship costs.
Chia seeds - 3.5 oz is nearly 500 calories, half calories from fat (high in Omega3 fatty acids) 38g fiber 151%DV & 16grams of COMPLETE protein for 6grams carbs & 63% DV Calcium - 95% Phosphorus - 23% Zinc - 9% Copper - 108% Manganese. & many of the same vitamins as flax seeds.
I make a green drink with spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass & kelp with lemon juice & stevia & add rehydrated chia seed gel and drink this all day.
I'll make a salad with canned foods: mackerel & or sardines, baby corn, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, artichoke hearts, sweet red peppers & add mayo, chia seed gel & sometimes soaked sunflower seeds. Lately I've been mixing in cod liver oil to virgin coconut oil & adding in soy sauce & miso before adding mayo & all the other items.
Faux tapioca - 2 cups of water, 5 scoops of low carb whey protein powder, stir together & add cup of chia seeds, after they have started to absorb the water, add in 2 cans of coconut milk & sweetener if you like and mix it all in. Can be eaten after an hour but will be better tomorrow. Cream a pkg. of cream cheese into a can of pumpkin and add to the faux tapioca for an even more nutritious pumpkin pie pudding.
Ground flax seed (4 Tbsp) 1/4 cup water, artificial sweetener, mix in a raw egg - let sit 10 min. to absorb liquid, put some cream cheese in the middle & nuke 2 minutes. For daily fiber needs.
Flax seed - 3.5oz - 534 cal - 65% calories from fat (high in Omega3 fatty acids) for 2gram carb - 27g fiber 109%DV - 26% DV Calcium - 64% Phosphorus - 29% Zinc - 61% Copper - 124% Manganese - 36% Selenium - 98% Magnesium - 32% Iron - 110% Thiamin - 9% B2 Riboflavin - 15% B3 Niacin - 24% Vit.B6 - 22% Folate - 10% Vit.B5.- 39% Potassium
Highly nutritious foods you should consider: sprouts, spirulina, paprika, turnip greens, mustard greens, kale, garlic, brewers yeast, raw almonds, ground flax seeds & chia seeds.
Raw nuts are living and full of the energy of life and should be capable of building a tree. Roasted nuts are dead & they may still provide some nutrients, but none can compare to the nutrients and enzymes from a live food.
Unfortunately, raw does not necessarily mean living.
For example - Commercially sold almonds are now required to be pasteurized turning a live food into a dead one. You can not sprout an almond that has been irradiated. I buy my almonds direct from growers off ebay.
Anytime you heat a food, you diminish the nutritional value & definitely kill it.
I add ground flax seed or chia seed to about everything. They are both incredibly nutritious. Chia seeds swell up when soaked and remind me of tapioca with a strawberry seed inside. They really have no taste but I love the texture. No other whole grain compares on a nutritional level, and it has an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) that is greater than blueberries on a per-gram basis (80 micromole TE/d). I let them sit on the counter to soak for 12 hours this germinates them and raises the ORAC level 2.5x higher.
I think they are much more nutritious raw and add them to salads & tuna as well as making faux tapioca regularly. I also add them to cooked food for bulk but prefer to use flax seed for cooked food. Flax seed has a slight taste to it but chia seed is tasteless so it doesn't change the flavor of foods the way flax seed would. In Mexico, they add chia seed to lemonade and call it chia fresca and it is addicting. I was getting 400% of my daily requirement of fiber by drinking this and have to regulate my intake, but it is fun.
I make a "porridge" as suggested by Dr.Mercola with low carb whey powder & water, I add ground flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, coconut milk, tahini (ground sesame seeds) & raw egg. All seeds & nuts are raw & soaked to germinate them.
Chia seeds sound so expensive but 1# will make 10# food. I buy in bulk from for $5# with free shipping. They have a special right now, 3# for $20 of 12# for $60 ($5#) which includes ship costs.
Chia seeds - 3.5 oz is nearly 500 calories, half calories from fat (high in Omega3 fatty acids) 38g fiber 151%DV & 16grams of COMPLETE protein for 6grams carbs & 63% DV Calcium - 95% Phosphorus - 23% Zinc - 9% Copper - 108% Manganese. & many of the same vitamins as flax seeds.
I make a green drink with spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass & kelp with lemon juice & stevia & add rehydrated chia seed gel and drink this all day.
I'll make a salad with canned foods: mackerel & or sardines, baby corn, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, artichoke hearts, sweet red peppers & add mayo, chia seed gel & sometimes soaked sunflower seeds. Lately I've been mixing in cod liver oil to virgin coconut oil & adding in soy sauce & miso before adding mayo & all the other items.
Faux tapioca - 2 cups of water, 5 scoops of low carb whey protein powder, stir together & add cup of chia seeds, after they have started to absorb the water, add in 2 cans of coconut milk & sweetener if you like and mix it all in. Can be eaten after an hour but will be better tomorrow. Cream a pkg. of cream cheese into a can of pumpkin and add to the faux tapioca for an even more nutritious pumpkin pie pudding.
Ground flax seed (4 Tbsp) 1/4 cup water, artificial sweetener, mix in a raw egg - let sit 10 min. to absorb liquid, put some cream cheese in the middle & nuke 2 minutes. For daily fiber needs.
Flax seed - 3.5oz - 534 cal - 65% calories from fat (high in Omega3 fatty acids) for 2gram carb - 27g fiber 109%DV - 26% DV Calcium - 64% Phosphorus - 29% Zinc - 61% Copper - 124% Manganese - 36% Selenium - 98% Magnesium - 32% Iron - 110% Thiamin - 9% B2 Riboflavin - 15% B3 Niacin - 24% Vit.B6 - 22% Folate - 10% Vit.B5.- 39% Potassium
Highly nutritious foods you should consider: sprouts, spirulina, paprika, turnip greens, mustard greens, kale, garlic, brewers yeast, raw almonds, ground flax seeds & chia seeds.
My skin has pimples, blemishes, how to get rid of it....I heard of honey and lemon it really works?

King Moham
And also skin covered by doesnt look jains are looking beautiful...what is theie secret of beauty???,
They can help.
Genetic and Stress can affect hormones and can theoretically promote acne.
Here are some home remedies that can help but do not mix them together.
1) Tea Tree Oil- An essential oil is diluted and applied topically to acne lesions.
2) Lemon oil or juice - Applied lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to face or you can drink it through using it in water a few drops a day. You can leave overnight don't expose yourself to sunlight. Will help with both acne, and scars as well.
3) Mandarin oil
4) Cedar wood â good for eczema
5) Lavender
6) Apple cider vinegar
7) Bamboo extract or Sarna lotion â good for rosacea, psoriasis, eczema
8) Bio Oil or BB cream for dark spots or scars
9) Toothpaste is very effective for acne leave on face for about 20 to 30 minutes then wash.
10) Zinc really works on acne
11) 2% Erythromycin
12) Benzoin Peroxide
13) Neem oil- good for acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers (taken either orally or externally)
14) Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - It can help to dry out acne by killing bacteria on the skin.Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply it either to the acne breakouts on your face. You also may opt to apply hydrogen peroxide to your entire face to help prevent future breakouts. Allow the hydrogen peroxide to do its job -- wait until the bubbling stops in approximately a minute or two. Rinse your face with water. Apply an oil-free moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out.
15) Vitamin B3- also known as niacin. It promotes healthy skin, can be utilized as an acne treatment.
16) Retinoid- increase collagen production and plump fine lines, making it a good choice if youâre dealing with acne and wrinkles.
17) Sulfur- dries up pimples and keeps sebum production in check, helping to prevent future blemishes. Sulfur has a distinct smell think rotten eggs.
This is something I use every day and I got rid of my cystic acne and my eczema. I really recommend this.
Neem oil: It is powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, beneficial to those who suffer from various skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers, helps one treat hair related problems like dandruff and itchy scalp. Dental care products like toothpaste, mouth washes and rinses all use the neem oil's antiseptic properties to keep teeth health and gums free of infection. Other benefits also include its use in household items like mosquito repellents, disinfectants and personal hygiene products. If you like you can purchase at Lucy Vitamin or in health food stores. It is the same price as some of the acne medications, either prescribe or over-the-counter.
They can help.
Genetic and Stress can affect hormones and can theoretically promote acne.
Here are some home remedies that can help but do not mix them together.
1) Tea Tree Oil- An essential oil is diluted and applied topically to acne lesions.
2) Lemon oil or juice - Applied lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to face or you can drink it through using it in water a few drops a day. You can leave overnight don't expose yourself to sunlight. Will help with both acne, and scars as well.
3) Mandarin oil
4) Cedar wood â good for eczema
5) Lavender
6) Apple cider vinegar
7) Bamboo extract or Sarna lotion â good for rosacea, psoriasis, eczema
8) Bio Oil or BB cream for dark spots or scars
9) Toothpaste is very effective for acne leave on face for about 20 to 30 minutes then wash.
10) Zinc really works on acne
11) 2% Erythromycin
12) Benzoin Peroxide
13) Neem oil- good for acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers (taken either orally or externally)
14) Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - It can help to dry out acne by killing bacteria on the skin.Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply it either to the acne breakouts on your face. You also may opt to apply hydrogen peroxide to your entire face to help prevent future breakouts. Allow the hydrogen peroxide to do its job -- wait until the bubbling stops in approximately a minute or two. Rinse your face with water. Apply an oil-free moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out.
15) Vitamin B3- also known as niacin. It promotes healthy skin, can be utilized as an acne treatment.
16) Retinoid- increase collagen production and plump fine lines, making it a good choice if youâre dealing with acne and wrinkles.
17) Sulfur- dries up pimples and keeps sebum production in check, helping to prevent future blemishes. Sulfur has a distinct smell think rotten eggs.
This is something I use every day and I got rid of my cystic acne and my eczema. I really recommend this.
Neem oil: It is powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, beneficial to those who suffer from various skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin ulcers, helps one treat hair related problems like dandruff and itchy scalp. Dental care products like toothpaste, mouth washes and rinses all use the neem oil's antiseptic properties to keep teeth health and gums free of infection. Other benefits also include its use in household items like mosquito repellents, disinfectants and personal hygiene products. If you like you can purchase at Lucy Vitamin or in health food stores. It is the same price as some of the acne medications, either prescribe or over-the-counter.
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