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What do you think is a good amount for a college budget per month?


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sweet litt

I think I'm spending wayyy too much money every semester so I'm trying to figure out what an average budget would be. I'm only talking about a budget for food (no meal plan!), toiletries, entertainment, basic necessities, etc. Not for gas or utilities or books or anything like that.

I would make a plan, break it down by months, list your expenses and plan from that. Try putting a couple hundred into savings too....maybe create a "just-in-case" fund.

You might want to consider using coupons for food and health & beauty items (HBA). You can find coupons in the Sunday paper (Smartsource & Red Plum inserts) and you can find printable coupons at www.smartsource.com and www.coolsavings.com

By shopping at stores like Target, Walgreens, Rite Aid they will take their own store cpn from either the Easysaver catalog/store ad (both found in the front of the store) and a manuf. cpn found in the Sunday paper.

By using both cpns and shopping at Walgreens its been months since I've had to pay any $ for HBA items.

Depends on your city and your campus but look for free entertainment. You can get dvd rentals for free at the public library and Redbox rentals have a free movie code on Mondays.

What comes under the heading of 'grooming products'?


Could moisturizers, shower gel, hair dye and deodorants all go under the heading of 'grooming products'? If not, what term is there to describe these products?

I used to work at a department store and we called that section HBA (health & beauty aids)

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