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I am 21, has my body already started to decay?


beauty fitness and health oh my on since the spring i ve been looking for healthy tasty and filling ...
beauty fitness and health oh my image


I read that the human body reaches its athletic prime is at age 20. After the age 20, stuff happens like your cardiovascular system is not as capable and your brain loses mass by 1 gram a year. The Army's physical fitness requirements are highest for 17-21 year olds and then go down from that. I don't really care that much but if it is decaying, I can slow that down by living as healthy as possible, right?

Right, the only thing you can do is slow it down by living a healthy life, physically, mentally, and spiritually. My dad lived to be 85 and abused himself with alcohol almost to the point of becoming homeless but he loved people, believed in God and didn't worry about every little thing. My mom died at 57 and lived a clean and health life except she worried a lot about little things and smoked. Both died from natural causes and both believed in God and Jesus but didn't go to church. Belief is the key, the actual church thing is not conclusive or needed as there are hippocrites there, some not all. Don't get overweight and do exercise moderately. Over exercising creates a lot of free radicals in the body and they aren't good. Fruit and veggies are good and if you get too busy to eat right, just don't eat mass quantities and take a normal multi vitamin as too much A or D can be bad if you have too much of these, even though a minimum of these is needed for good health.
I'm 60 now and fairly good health, a bit overweight but not bad yet. My body works good for my age and my mind still works good as well. I try to take care of it but not to the extreme. I have a couple drinks a day to enjoy life and heard that 2 is ok. Don't worry as that is bad, you probably won't notice any slow downs until you are about 50. See the beauty in life and don't dwell on the bad and you will live a long life, and oh ya, watch for trains, buses and cars, lol.

What magazines do you all recommend?

Kendra Van

I always get Cosmopolitan, and I want to get different magazines as well now :)
What would you recommend for a good beauty magazine?
OH. Also what do you recommend for a good fitness magazine?

:D Thank you in advance <3

Womens Health for the win! It's so damn interesting and has a mixture of health, beauty, and fashion.
I also like Lucky magazine.

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