What are your tips for growing your hair out really long ? Or just for really healthy hair?
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skin care tips for men

I am now stopping using straightners(etc) and I deep condition my hair a lot. I'm just looking for some new tips. Thanks !
If you've straightened your hair in the past, it may grow slowly or none at all.
Google: "Foods for Healthy Hair"http://www.foodforhealthyhair.com/ http://sg.news.yahoo.com/food-for-healthy-hair.html - or 10 Best Foods for Your Hair.
NO MATTER which link you picked, they all suggest the same foods. Your hair may be the fastest-growing tissue in the body but, unlike the skin, it cannot repair itself. That is why getting the right balance of vitamins and proteins is imperative. Don't expect to look like you've stepped out of a hair commercial the day after you've changed your diet. It is likely to take at least three months before you actually see tangible results. Hair is dead, but hair also has electrical energy; the negative charge of damaged hair can lead to flyways and unruly hair.
Growing healthy hair doesn't come from a bottle or pills and hair products do not speed hair growth. Any hair oil, is another form to keep hair moisturized, nothing more. If you're in HS, your hair & nails should be growing normally, and as healthily as possible, since you're eating healthy foods. But when hair isn't growing as fast, it's because they've been tampered with: chemicals, hair straightening, etc. . .
Cutting your split ends yourself, spend 5-10 mins. on a sunny day so you can easily spot them, using a 2" scissors, cut strand by strand, section by section, allowing new growth to take over. Then 2x a year, get a good hair cut. This won't speed things up, but it will make the hair look healthier while it's growing. Even healthy hair like mine get them, due to normal brushing & styling. Hormonal changes can have a big effect on hair.
Remember: The hair industry is a billion dollar business, they sell products that cleans & condition the hair. They also sell products that damage and causes hair loss. They also DO NOT give money back guarantee for damaged hair or hair loss due to 'abuse'. Mechanical, chemical, or thermal styling. Hair straighteners and relaxers top the hair products pose the greatest risks. Hair relaxers, related products marketed heavily to African-American women, are dangerous because they may contain powerful chemicals such as lye, a toxic substance also used in drain cleaners.
Man-made products & supplements can do more harm than good.
Beginning in February 2008, they experienced one symptom after another: diarrhea, joint pain, HAIR LOSS, lung problems, and fingernails and toenails that fell off. FDA has received numerous reports of harm associated with the use of these products, including stroke, liver injury, kidney failure, heart palpitations, and death. 3-15-11. Pills like medications ALL have side effects. Beware. Google Shanyna Isom Grows Nails Instead Of Hair Due To Skin Condition. Huffington Post By Rebecca Ballhaus
Posted: 08/09/2012 12:08 pm Updated: 08/09/2012 1:36 pm
⢠The hair on your head grows at about 0.00000001 miles per hour. That's a half-inch per month. Mine grows 3/4" in 29 days.
⢠Every day, the 5 million or so hairs on an adult's body add about 40 yards of new growth.
⢠At any given moment, about 90% of the hairs on your head are growing and 10% are getting ready to abandon ship.
People giving advice here, should list their sources, and not try to sell you products.
5 decades of hair know how, previously damaged by perming & dyeing in the 80's & 90's. Have used cheap shampoos for 15 years, no conditioner, but good hair care helps, and all the healthy foods from Mother Nature not made by man.
If you've straightened your hair in the past, it may grow slowly or none at all.
Google: "Foods for Healthy Hair"http://www.foodforhealthyhair.com/ http://sg.news.yahoo.com/food-for-healthy-hair.html - or 10 Best Foods for Your Hair.
NO MATTER which link you picked, they all suggest the same foods. Your hair may be the fastest-growing tissue in the body but, unlike the skin, it cannot repair itself. That is why getting the right balance of vitamins and proteins is imperative. Don't expect to look like you've stepped out of a hair commercial the day after you've changed your diet. It is likely to take at least three months before you actually see tangible results. Hair is dead, but hair also has electrical energy; the negative charge of damaged hair can lead to flyways and unruly hair.
Growing healthy hair doesn't come from a bottle or pills and hair products do not speed hair growth. Any hair oil, is another form to keep hair moisturized, nothing more. If you're in HS, your hair & nails should be growing normally, and as healthily as possible, since you're eating healthy foods. But when hair isn't growing as fast, it's because they've been tampered with: chemicals, hair straightening, etc. . .
Cutting your split ends yourself, spend 5-10 mins. on a sunny day so you can easily spot them, using a 2" scissors, cut strand by strand, section by section, allowing new growth to take over. Then 2x a year, get a good hair cut. This won't speed things up, but it will make the hair look healthier while it's growing. Even healthy hair like mine get them, due to normal brushing & styling. Hormonal changes can have a big effect on hair.
Remember: The hair industry is a billion dollar business, they sell products that cleans & condition the hair. They also sell products that damage and causes hair loss. They also DO NOT give money back guarantee for damaged hair or hair loss due to 'abuse'. Mechanical, chemical, or thermal styling. Hair straighteners and relaxers top the hair products pose the greatest risks. Hair relaxers, related products marketed heavily to African-American women, are dangerous because they may contain powerful chemicals such as lye, a toxic substance also used in drain cleaners.
Man-made products & supplements can do more harm than good.
Beginning in February 2008, they experienced one symptom after another: diarrhea, joint pain, HAIR LOSS, lung problems, and fingernails and toenails that fell off. FDA has received numerous reports of harm associated with the use of these products, including stroke, liver injury, kidney failure, heart palpitations, and death. 3-15-11. Pills like medications ALL have side effects. Beware. Google Shanyna Isom Grows Nails Instead Of Hair Due To Skin Condition. Huffington Post By Rebecca Ballhaus
Posted: 08/09/2012 12:08 pm Updated: 08/09/2012 1:36 pm
⢠The hair on your head grows at about 0.00000001 miles per hour. That's a half-inch per month. Mine grows 3/4" in 29 days.
⢠Every day, the 5 million or so hairs on an adult's body add about 40 yards of new growth.
⢠At any given moment, about 90% of the hairs on your head are growing and 10% are getting ready to abandon ship.
People giving advice here, should list their sources, and not try to sell you products.
5 decades of hair know how, previously damaged by perming & dyeing in the 80's & 90's. Have used cheap shampoos for 15 years, no conditioner, but good hair care helps, and all the healthy foods from Mother Nature not made by man.
Any tips on capturing amazing black and white photos?

Aside from post-production tips, are there any settings on my camera that will help achieve more striking black and whites?
Most of what you have been told is all jumping the gun.i mean,though it is right advice,it is and should not be your first concern.the zone system is excellent advice;so is the post-production advice to shoot raw and fiddle the colours.as such,i agree with those who replied.but there is more to it.photography -in colour or monochrome,if it is to pass muster as art,or to be evocative,in any manner- is,primarily the art of seeing,the art of empathy,the art of living.in colour,you must know how the colours work together.the late j.itten,of the former Bauhaus,wrote the definitive work,''the art of colour'',go for the unabbreviated version.monochrome,on the other hand,requires seeing in terms of black-and-white,tonal relationships and so on.try to get a book like alec pearlman's ''print quality'' or Ghislain Lootens book of more-or-less-similar name.then apply the concepts to digital.watch and shoot the light, in b&w or colour,cultivate an eye for pathos,drama,outline,shape,texture,form,expression,composition,a sense of the fitness of things,and the personality of what's before you,be it animate or inanimate,and an instantaneous recognition of all that is evocative,that exhibits design and form and manifestations of time and of space.exploit the 4th dimension for all you're worth,capture the fleeting,fugitive passage-of-time and the ephemeral nature of most things,the ravages and changes wrought by time,the timeless brutality of man to man,the saving grace of those who care for humanity's lot.get under the skin of your own ontological nature,and that of your fellow co-travellers on this so-very-brief pilgrimage-on-planet-earth.select,emphasize your selection,and delete all that dilutes it. Train yourself to interpret what is before you in your very-special and individual way.shoot the objects and designs in a light and a way that mirrors your feelings.look,SEE,feel,REACT, and CAPTURE YOUR FEELINGS.As Krause once said,''they are artists who,from a solution, can draw out an enigma'' which others can share.the road is long,the gradient mighty-steep.it requires sweat and tears and assiduous application.it is only for the perseverant and the goal-oriented...may God bless your efforts.
Most of what you have been told is all jumping the gun.i mean,though it is right advice,it is and should not be your first concern.the zone system is excellent advice;so is the post-production advice to shoot raw and fiddle the colours.as such,i agree with those who replied.but there is more to it.photography -in colour or monochrome,if it is to pass muster as art,or to be evocative,in any manner- is,primarily the art of seeing,the art of empathy,the art of living.in colour,you must know how the colours work together.the late j.itten,of the former Bauhaus,wrote the definitive work,''the art of colour'',go for the unabbreviated version.monochrome,on the other hand,requires seeing in terms of black-and-white,tonal relationships and so on.try to get a book like alec pearlman's ''print quality'' or Ghislain Lootens book of more-or-less-similar name.then apply the concepts to digital.watch and shoot the light, in b&w or colour,cultivate an eye for pathos,drama,outline,shape,texture,form,expression,composition,a sense of the fitness of things,and the personality of what's before you,be it animate or inanimate,and an instantaneous recognition of all that is evocative,that exhibits design and form and manifestations of time and of space.exploit the 4th dimension for all you're worth,capture the fleeting,fugitive passage-of-time and the ephemeral nature of most things,the ravages and changes wrought by time,the timeless brutality of man to man,the saving grace of those who care for humanity's lot.get under the skin of your own ontological nature,and that of your fellow co-travellers on this so-very-brief pilgrimage-on-planet-earth.select,emphasize your selection,and delete all that dilutes it. Train yourself to interpret what is before you in your very-special and individual way.shoot the objects and designs in a light and a way that mirrors your feelings.look,SEE,feel,REACT, and CAPTURE YOUR FEELINGS.As Krause once said,''they are artists who,from a solution, can draw out an enigma'' which others can share.the road is long,the gradient mighty-steep.it requires sweat and tears and assiduous application.it is only for the perseverant and the goal-oriented...may God bless your efforts.
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