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How To Make The Best Facial Cleansers At Home?


It is indeed possible to spend less, and get more. Yes, I am talking about skin care products and facial cleansers.
Some of the best facial cleansers you can use are readily available right at home, but most of us do not know this, and we end up spending extravagant amounts of money on them.
Why, even the great Cleopatra used home made facial cleansers to keep her skin looking beautiful and glowing at all times!
Here are some tips on how to make the best homemade facial cleansers:

* Alpha-hydroxy acids form the main ingredient in most facial cleansers, and this is something that is readily available in most of the food stuffs that we use at home. Milk contains alpha-hydroxy acids, and apparently, Cleopatra indulged in milk baths everyday!
Lemon juice, oranges, blackberries, grapes, and tomatoes all contain this important acid, and what they do is to exfoliate the skin, so that the dead skin cells that stay on the face long after they are dead are removed, to leave your face clean and glowing.

Remember, when the top layer of skin is removed, it helps the natural emollient oils in our body to reach the rest of the cells, especially those on the surface, thereby moisturizing the skin and leaving it fresh and moisturized.

* Since honey is one of the main ingredients used in skin care products, you can use fresh honey masks made at home to cleanse your face. What you do is this: use a warm cloth on your face to open up your pores, smear some honey on your face and leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash it off with warm water, and finally, use cold water to close up the pores. Repeat at least once every week for glowing skin.

* My aunt swears by sugar as one of the best facial cleansers available at home! What you do is this: pour some of your usual facial cleanser on your palm, add a few spoons of sugar into it, and then use it in the usual way. The sugar will remove all the dead skin on your face, leaving it clean and fresh! You can even add sugar into your bath very once in a while, but be gentle and do not scrub too hard.

*Salt too can be used as an effective facial cleanser. Wet your face, take some table salt and rub it all over your face. Salt serves as an excellent exfoliater!

Ask around, and I assure you that there are hundreds and thousands of such recipes that can be used as facial cleansers. Try only a little at first, and then use a lot. Be careful though, do not be too daring!


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