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Health and Beauty Tips for Your Brass: Keep It Shiny!

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Did you know that the health and beauty of your brass instruments require extra special attention? Note: Because brass instruments vary, be sure to learn the specific cleaning methods for your particular instrument. For example, rotor instruments like the French horns, rotor tubas, and rotor trombones should always be cleaned by an experienced repairperson.

Once a week, lubricate the valves on your brass instrument. Simply unscrew the valve cap and draw out the valve half way. Using the appropriate lubricant, apply a drop of valve oil to the widest part of the valve. The valves on most brass instruments have a "guide" that helps you to line up the valve. If you play a brass instrument, you know what happens after a good session of blowing. You know, "moisture" can build up inside of your instrument. If it's not removed, this moisture can do a real number on the health of your instrument. To keep your brass shining, be sure to wipe down the outside of the instrument after each use. Doing so will not only spare your brass from damage, but it'll also keep your instrument clean. Remember, your instrument case is for your instrument; storing music books, cleaning supplies, or even your lunch inside the case can lead to all kinds of problems with the slides or valves of your instrument.

You'll also need some supplies, including cleaning brushes, liquid soap, slide grease (if your instrument has slides), and valve oil.

Remove all slides, valves and valve bottom caps and place them, except for the valves, in warm, soapy water. As your parts are soaking, run warm water over your valves and use the valve brush to brush out all openings. Give your valves a good shake to remove excess water and let dry

If your instrument has slides, apply a little slide grease to each and put back together reassemble
Play that horn, Daddy-O!


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